Christ, Not Man, Is King
Theonomy Matters
We are a group of Christians who recognize that God, in His love, mercy, and infinite wisdom has not only provided the means of forgiveness through His Son Jesus Christ, but has also provided, in the Old and New Testaments, all necessary directions and instructions for a just, happy, and productive society.
These instructions apply to all God-ordained spheres of government, namely self-government, family government, church government, and civil government. Our goal is to promote these principles. We believe that the modern church, for generations, has increasingly failed to apply God’s Word to all of life, having a focus that is self-centered and incapable of affecting the societal institutions that crumble around us.
We believe that God’s Word teaches that the Great Commission includes His plan to carry out His purposes through faithful and godly generations: passing them on to children to grandchildren to great-grandchildren. Any investment of time and resources is done with the next generation in mind and heart. Future of Christendom focuses on the necessity to train up this generation to prepare the next.
Our work is dedicated to turning the ship, for the very positive benefit of our families, churches, communities, and nation, to the honor of the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. Future of Christendom promotes ethical perspectives of today’s pressing issues. We have conducted dozens of presentations making the moral case for how we as individuals, and together as a society, are to handle the challenges that are facing the nation.
In addition to encouraging Christians to think and reform, we have provided opportunities for dominion, kingdom-minded, victory-driven believers to meet in a conference setting for teaching, fellowship, and mutual support and edification.
Our Christian institutions, largely limit the transformation of thought to areas of personal piety, to the neglect of all the rest of life. Hence, the Church is losing the battle in economics, politics, and all other cultural and societal realms. Future of Christendom takes the command to renew our minds seriously, and exists to guide teachers, Christian leaders, and all Christians in applying Christian thought…thinking God’s thoughts after Him…in EVERY area of life.
The goal of Future of Christendom is exhortation by education—helping individuals break unbiblical thinking patterns. Our presentations are intended to show that a biblical view on various matters may be outside the comfortable status quo. It’s our duty as Christians to conform ourselves to God’s pattern of thinking, to reform our thinking to His. Since the Bible is His revelation to us of how He thinks, His Word is where we must first inquire to know His will in all matters of life. God has demonstrated in history and revealed in His Bible His blueprint for how life works. His message is fully confirmed by the power and authority of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. We encourage all Christians to incorporate His principles and reform their day-to-day living with God’s message.
Future of Christendom was formerly known as the Mid-Atlantic Reformation Society (MARS) and began in 2009. Joel Saint began a lay Bible study, covering theomonic topics and the writing of R.J. Rushdoony, Greg Bahnsen, and Gary North. The Bible Study participants noticed a gap between what the Bible had to say about the responsibilities and limits of civil authorities versus the teaching and preaching from the pulpits. Knowing that there were plenty of churches where pastors purported to teach the “whole counsel o God,” the Bible Study participants sought to reach these churchmen. The group formed into the Mid-Atlantic Reformation Society and began hosting monthly lecture series open to the public in and around Lancaster County, PA. MARS lecturers addressed topics such as crime and punishment, education, the environment, abortion, taxation, and more. In addition, MARS began offering an annual conference (originally titled the Future of Christendom Conferences), a practice that continues today.
In 2024, MARS changed its name to Future of Christendom. The vision remains the same.
What is ‘Christendom’?
Occasionally we meet people who have never heard to the term “Christendom.” Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines Christendom as follows: (1) the territories, countries or regions inhabited by Christians, or those who profess to believe in the Christian religion; (2) the whole body of Christians; (3) Christianity; the Christian religion. We are committed to the future of the Christian religion and believe that Jesus will be victorious in history as he builds his church.
Our Mission
To equip individuals, families, and churches to understand and apply the full counsel of God to every area of life.
Our Vision
To see the advance of Christ’s kingdom in southeastern Pennsylvania (and beyond) as evidenced by people practicing righteousness in their personal lives, proclaiming the truth in local churches, and establishing justice in the public square.
Christendom Crest
Styled after a coat of arms, the crown and shield are a strong mark heralding the dominion of Christ and the presence of his kingdom.
The crest emphasizes the rich legacy of liberty and dominion that characterized the early colonies in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, as well as the enduring heritage of the Reformation. The crown symbolizes Christ’s kingdom and our divine commission to disciple the nations and impart biblical thinking skills. The shield represents a robust defense (apologetic) and the unwavering faith through which we overcome the world and advance His gospel.

meet the team
Executive Team