At every election, Democrats and Republicans select their candidates, and Christians are told that the existence of all goodness, beauty, and truth depends on them voting for the lesser of two evils. While it is true that a third party must choose between the first two, it is not a given that Christians must assume the role of the third party. It’s time for Christians to stop being passive and start evangelizing Republicans by giving them the responsibility of choice.
The Democrats have been labeled the “Bad Guys,” the Republicans as the “Good Guys,” and Christians have been relegated to the role of “Weirdos” who don’t strongly align with either party but hold the deciding vote between them, whether they cast a ballot or not. This positional labeling is a deception, and it’s time to redefine the arrangement with a more evangelical approach. It’s time to challenge Republicans for the “Good Guys” label and make them bear the responsibility for wanting to have their cake and eat it too. As Christians, we are called to be the salt of the earth, not just the salt of the Republican party. We must stop viewing ourselves as the evangelical wing of the Republicans and instead present God’s Word to both Republicans and Democrats alike. It’s time to pass the baton of choice to our Republican neighbors and present them with the gospel decision of following Christ or descending into chaos.
Presently, the only Republicans who need to consider Christian beliefs are the politicians who don’t want to offend the Christian community too much (while also knowing that Christians have limited alternatives). However, if Christians were to firmly establish themselves as the true “Good Guys,” the Law of Christ would be presented as the alternative to communism. Instead of Christians feeling pressured to vote for compromised Republicans to prevent the filthy Democrats from winning, Republicans would be faced with the difficult choice of allowing either communists or Christians to lead the country.
The proper approach to evangelizing elections is not through disengagement and lamenting the lack of biblical candidates. Instead, churches should take the initiative to field candidates for every office, even if they are only write-in candidates. Ideally, this should be done under a separate party so that the results can be clearly seen in the general election. If a Christian chooses to run as a registered Republican, it is crucial for Christians to make it clear that they will not vote for the ideologically-aligned Republican candidate in the general election if the Christian candidate does not secure the party’s nomination in the primary.
Regarding the Democrats who may assume office during this transitional period, Christians must respond to this initial acceleration of decline by standing firm for justice and truth. They should uphold and love God’s Law while opposing those who reject it. Christians need to identify and support courageous, wise, and godly leaders who will guide them in this holy resistance. The Declaration of Independence reminds us that when a government becomes destructive of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it is our duty to alter or abolish it. We must recognize that both the processes of alteration and abolition require means beyond mere politics. As such, we should place equal, if not greater, emphasis on strategic nonviolent resistance rather than resorting to violent measures like a bloody revolution.
Ultimately, none of these efforts will bear fruit without genuine repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. If we do not cultivate a life rooted in God’s Word and prayer, we will have nothing of value to offer our neighbors. Therefore, let us strive to deepen our knowledge of the Lord and make Him known to others. Let’s begin to live as though God’s law is the only viable alternative to injustice and oppression. It’s time for us to present the gospel choice in the Republican mission field: Christ or Chaos.