The Sound Doctrine of Theocracy


This book examines the foundations of civil government and asks readers to consider if the Founding Fathers made mistakes and how to correct them by looking to the Scriptures for guidance. The book emphasizes that there is no need to experiment with governance, as Christ has provided a better way in the Bible to establish justice in the land. (146 pages)

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If Christians were to be presented with an opportunity to create a new government, what would we create? Would we try the Constitution again or would we try something new? Did those who came before us do everything perfectly, or are we suffering needlessly in areas where we have strayed from God’s divine revelation? In other words, how can we fix the mistakes of our Founding Fathers? Did they make mistakes at all, and how would we know if they did? By what standard does does a people look to establish justice in the land?

These and other questions concerning civil government are addressed in this book, a book that seeks to point the hearts of those who love Christ and His Word back to the Scriptures to judge the rights and wrongs of humanist governments in the West. While America has been nicknamed “the Great Experiment,” the truth is that there is no need to experiment again: Christ, in the Bible, has shown us a better way to “do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).


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