As a people, we have become ignorant of our duty to establish justice via biblical law. We have handed “justice” over to the pagans and the results have been disastrous. Our judges are beholden to man-made law and are unable (or unwilling) to “practice justice between a person and his neighbor” (Jer. 7:5). 

It is long past time for Christians to take practical steps to start strengthening our atrophied muscles of self-government and justice. Therefore Future of Christendom is establishing a voluntary/private Christian court to adjudicate cases between those who would rather settle their disputes outside of the statist system of injustice funded via forced taxation.

Future of Christendom’s Theonomic Court is a private and voluntary arbitration-type option for civil disputes. In the beginning, the court will welcome mock cases in order to promote community-wide thinking about adjudicating cases based on God’s Law-Word, rather than man’s. Join us as we learn to do good and seek justice (cf. Isaiah 1:17).

Who are the judges?

The judges will consist of men selected from regional (southeastern Pennsylvania) Bible-believing churches who: (1) fear God, are trustworthy, and hate a bribe (Ex. 18:21); (2) commit to adjudicate based on God’s Law, not man’s; (3) study God’s Law-Word to understand justice (Deut. 17:18), and (4) serve their communities in a variety of ways, including pastors, business owners, and tradesmen.

Interested in serving on the court? Interested in having a case heard?

reach out to us